Procedure — face
Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery and can be used to produce a youthfully refreshed look to the eyes. The procedure uses surgical techniques to remove skin and / or tissue from either one or both of the upper and lower lids, reducing the look of droopy eyelids and / or eye bags.
Droopy eyelids can develop on the upper eyelid and may be the result of ageing, injury / trauma or certain medical conditions. This concern is defined by the appearance of the upper eyelid falling to a lower level than is naturally accepted, giving the eyes a weary look. Eye bags affect the lower lid and appear swollen or puffed, with sagging skin beneath the lower lid. As with droopy eyes, eye bags can give the face a tired appearance which can be reversed and revitalised through the blepharoplasty procedure.

Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery and can be used to produce a youthfully refreshed look to the eyes. The procedure uses surgical techniques to remove skin and / or tissue from either one or both of the upper and lower lids, reducing the look of droopy eyelids and / or eye bags.
Droopy eyelids can develop on the upper eyelid and may be the result of ageing, injury / trauma or certain medical conditions. This concern is defined by the appearance of the upper eyelid falling to a lower level than is naturally accepted, giving the eyes a weary look. Eye bags affect the lower lid and appear swollen or puffed, with sagging skin beneath the lower lid. As with droopy eyes, eye bags can give the face a tired appearance which can be reversed and revitalised through the blepharoplasty procedure.
At a Glance
Up to 2 hours
Type Of Anaesthetic
General or local anaesthetic
Return To Work (job dependent)
2 weeks
Day Case / Overnight
Day case
Bra / Garment To Be Worn For
Not required
Return To Gym
4 weeks
In-depth Procedure Information
The Consultation
At Reshape & Restore we carry out a full and thorough consultation, prior to any treatment or procedure. This session allows us to have a discussion about your reasons for wanting surgery and for your treatment options to be explored. When considering eyelid surgery we will need to identify the right approach to take and whether one or both eyelids will need to be addressed. Although blepharoplasty is a great way to create a youthful and rejuvenated look to the eye area, we will need to ensure that it is the right procedure to suit your individual needs. Each case is different and requires a personalised approach in order to achieve your desired end result, which is why a bespoke treatment plan will be constructed, just for you. This may include a combination of treatments / procedures to improve the look of the eye area and the upper face as a whole. Some of our recent patients are willing to speak with you personally, reassuring you about the process and the outcome you can achieve.
The Procedure
Upper blepharoplasty is a simple procedure. An incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid from which a small piece of skin and muscle can be removed. Through this incision, fatty tissue can also be accessed and removed, before fine sutures are used to close the wound.
Lower blepharoplasty is usually performed by making an incision along the lower lash line (subciliary incision), enabling excess skin and some fatty deposits to be removed. In some cases a transconjunctival approach is used, whereby an incision is made on the inside of the lower lid. This technique is often effective for removing larger amounts of skin, and fat from around and beneath the lower lid, allowing for tissue to be reshaped before closing more discreet wounds. In combination to lower blepharoplasty, the texture of the skin can be improved through the use of laser skin resurfacing.
Aftercare & Results
The eyes will almost certainly feel tender following the procedure, with bruising and swelling. To help with swelling, cool packs can be used and pain relief can help to ease any discomfort. Depending on the type of anaesthesia used, you may go home the same day, making a follow-up appointment before you leave. Stitches will need to be removed after day 5 or 6, when the wounds will also be assessed to monitor how their healing is progressing. Eye drops may be prescribed to help with maintaining the eyes’ lubrication and also to reduce the chance of developing an infection.
The eyes’ recovery may also benefit from wearing sunglasses as they will feel sensitive to light while they are healing and it will be necessary for you to sleep propped up on pillows to help with the swelling. Typically, up to 2 weeks will be required to recover fully from the procedure when you may be able to return to work. Waiting until 4 weeks after surgery may be advised for other more strenuous forms of activity.
Blepharoplasty is a procedure that may benefit those who are affected by conditions that produce a tired look to the eye area, including: baggy eyelids, sagging skin and eye bags. This procedure, along with other facially rejuvenating treatments and solutions can help to restore a youthful look to the upper part of the face. A full and thorough consultation will enable the right approach to be recommended for you, that meets your needs and expectations.
Reshape & Restore put the needs of the patient at the forefront of their practices. The techniques that are used to perform this procedure will always be in the best interests of the patient, considering their safety and welfare throughout. Both Mr. Kahn and Mr. Chapman are leading consultant plastic surgeons who have a wealth of experience, having carried out many successful procedures throughout their years of practice.
A procedure of this nature takes a skilled and talented hand to ensure it is carried out effectively. Initial swelling and bruising are to be expected immediately following surgery, settling fully after 2 weeks. You will have all risks explained to you during your consultation which may include haematoma, infection, poor healing and under correction, however these effects are rare. Although there will be some minor scarring once the wounds have healed, this should be very discreet and will fade further over time, making them barely noticeable.
Your health and well-being will be discussed prior to surgery, when you will need to share details of your medical history with your surgeon. It is always advised that before a surgical procedure can take place, patients who smoke will need to cut down significantly (or even give up) and if aspirin is being taken, you will need to stop taking it 2 weeks before the scheduled operation.

Prices From
Plastic surgery procedures are not off the peg but tailor made, bespoke procedures that vary from person to person. The above prices act as a guide in the standard or average case. The actual cost of surgery may be less or more and will be confirmed after your consultation.
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