Procedure — men
Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction involves a surgical procedure to address a condition that can affect many men – gynaecomastia. This concern is often the result of a hormone imbalance or weight gain, and leads to an enlargement of the breast area.
Known as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’, male breasts can be an unwanted feature that is not considered a very masculine trait. By reducing the amount of excess fat and / or tissue in this area can help a man to restore his preferred appearance. The procedure also can work to tighten loose or sagging skin around the upper chest, following a significant loss in weight.

Male breast reduction involves a surgical procedure to address a condition that can affect many men – gynaecomastia. This concern is often the result of a hormone imbalance or weight gain, and leads to an enlargement of the breast area.
Known as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’, male breasts can be an unwanted feature that is not considered a very masculine trait. By reducing the amount of excess fat and / or tissue in this area can help a man to restore his preferred appearance. The procedure also can work to tighten loose or sagging skin around the upper chest, following a significant loss in weight.
At a Glance
90 minutes
Type Of Anaesthetic
General anaesthetic
Return To Work (job dependent)
1 weeks
Day Case / Overnight
Day case
Bra / Garment To Be Worn For
Day and night for up to 4 weeks
Return To Gym
6 - 8 weeks
In-depth Procedure Information
The Consultation
Reshape & Restore are leading the way in body recontouring procedures. This area of surgery for men is of special interest to the consultant plastic surgeons at Reshape & Restore, and their years of medical experience can enable you to reach your body shaping goals.
Each case is taken individually and requires its own delivery and techniques. Taking your concerns into account, the type of procedure that is best for you will be recommended and explained in full. Any potential risks or complications will be discussed, along with the outcome you can expect. Talking with past patients can be a useful tool if you need some reassurance about the procedure for male breast reduction – a process which your surgeon can arrange if you would like.
The Procedure
The procedure will require a cut to be made around the outside of the nipple, which will enable the extraction of excess fat and / or other tissues. In some cases, liposuction can be used to remove small amounts of fat, or in combination with a surgical extraction. Extending the incision vertically will enable any excess skin to be cut away and tightened, and the nipple can be repositioned if this is required.
Aftercare & Results
Your breast area may feel bruised, swollen and sore after the procedure and it may take 3 – 4 weeks for you to recover fully. A compression garment will need to be worn for around 2 weeks after the procedure, which will help to support the treated area while it is healing. Your first follow-up appointment is usually made 1 week after surgery, when you may have your stitches removed. Other appointments will be made at intervals depending on the rate of your recovery. Heavy lifting should be avoided for around 3 – 4 weeks and trips to the gym may need a 6 – 8 week rest. You will also be advised not to drive while it is uncomfortable to wear a seatbelt.
Seeing the final results of your new manly looking chest could take several months, once all swelling and bruising has settled and the healing process has fully completed. By reducing the look of a prominent man breast can mean they no longer show through clothing, as well as giving the chest a weighty look. If sagging skin has been left behind after weight loss, a male breast reduction can create a firmer, more toned look, completing the end of a life-changing journey.
Man boobs can develop for a variety of reasons. Ageing can cause the skin to lose its stretchiness, which can then appear to hang loose on the chest. Stubborn fat can occasionally sit around this area in men, and can often be difficult to shift despite eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise. Losing a significant amount of weight can affect the appearance of the male body in the same way that it does for a woman. Stretched skin that has accommodated a larger physique for some time can often find it hard to shrink back. This would then result in skin that hangs off the body in certain areas; with the breast area being one of them. By visiting the experts at Reshape & Restore, your concerns can be rectified and your confidence restored.
Body contouring procedures are becoming more and more popular, especially with men. These types of procedures enable a person to take control of their appearance, through safe and effective techniques that work to sculpt and redefine the natural form. The team at Reshape & Restore recognises the importance of a positive outlook and how it contributes to a person’s well-being. They apply just as much care and precision to the techniques involved in your particular procedure as they do to understanding and relaying which procedure is best suited to you.
Swelling, bruising and soreness are the effects you can expect to occur after your male breast reduction surgery. There will be some scarring where incisions have been made, but they will fade over time and are placed discreetly.
Thickened scarring, poor healing, loss of nipple sensation, lumpiness, infection and bleeding are less common side effects. Although these are not usually experienced at Reshape & Restore, it is important that you are aware of the risks which will be explained during your consultation.
Knowledge of the procedure, its results and any potential risks will help you to prepare for the procedure you are about to undergo. The consultation will enable this to happen and is the most important part of your surgical journey. If you require any pre-procedure tests, this will be arranged at the consultation and you will be given some time to consider your options, before taking advantage of a second consultation, when you may find a decision can be made.

Prices From
Plastic surgery procedures are not off the peg but tailor made, bespoke procedures that vary from person to person. The above prices act as a guide in the standard or average case. The actual cost of surgery may be less or more and will be confirmed after your consultation.
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