Procedure — men
Male Nipple Reduction
A nipple reduction aims to decrease the size, shape or protrusion of the nipple – the central most part of the breast that is located in the middle of the areola. The appearance of the nipples can naturally have their own shape and size, which genetics have often determined, or can change for a number of reasons. This can impact self-confidence if the appearance is displeasing to the affected person, which can also affect relationships.
Inverted nipples are a common concern that can be experienced by many, as the nipple sits flush to the rest of the breast, instead of in a more proud position. This can be a characteristic that occurs naturally or may develop as part of an underlying issue – for which medical investigation will be required.

A nipple reduction aims to decrease the size, shape or protrusion of the nipple – the central most part of the breast that is located in the middle of the areola. The appearance of the nipples can naturally have their own shape and size, which genetics have often determined, or can change for a number of reasons. This can impact self-confidence if the appearance is displeasing to the affected person, which can also affect relationships.
Inverted nipples are a common concern that can be experienced by many, as the nipple sits flush to the rest of the breast, instead of in a more proud position. This can be a characteristic that occurs naturally or may develop as part of an underlying issue – for which medical investigation will be required.
At a Glance
Up to 2 hours
Type Of Anaesthetic
Local or general anaesthetic
Return To Work (job dependent)
1 weeks
Day Case / Overnight
Day case
Bra / Garment To Be Worn For
Not always necessary
Return To Gym
Up to 4 weeks
In-depth Procedure Information
The Consultation
Whether you are feeling that your nipples are looking too large, or naturally sit inwards of the breast, a consultation at Reshape & Restore can help to find the right solution for rectifying your concern. The type of surgical technique that is required to improve the look of the nipples will be fully explained and you will gain an understanding of the type of results that you can expect to see at the end. All risks will be outlined and your surgeon will ensure you are aware of the specific aftercare instructions that will help you through a smooth recovery.
It is essential that you are completely sure you want to undergo surgery and the consultation sessions will give the chance to ask questions and express any concerns. To help with putting you at ease, Reshape & Restore will give you the opportunity to talk to other nipple surgery patients, who will gladly share their experiences with you.
The Procedure
Improving the look of the nipples is often combined with other breast procedures, including: breast reduction (often when a man is affected by gynaecomastia), augmentation (often via fat transfer) or areola reduction, improving the appearance of the entire breast.
The procedure involves using a scalpel to trim away any excess skin and tissue, decreasing the size of the nipple, as well as creating a more regular shape and symmetrical look.
Correcting an inverted nipple with surgery is often required when manually coaxing the nipple out does not maintain a long-term result. A small cut is made in the areola to free the nipple from the tissue that restricts the nipple from naturally protruding.
Aftercare & Results
The main side effect from nippple surgery is the discomfort you will feel in the several days that follow. This will be accompanied by some swelling and bruising, which will also settle within a week or so. A dressing over the nipples will restrict the nipple from rubbing on clothing and protect against any accidental knocks. After around 1 week you should feel comfortable enough to return to work however, it may be a few more weeks before you can return to more strenuous exercise or the gym.
A full recovery can be expected in around 3 or 4 weeks when the nipple should have healed sufficiently for the end result to also be visible. The width, length and regular shape of the nipple should appear more natural looking and more aesthetically pleasing so that your confidence also gets a boost.
This procedure may offer the solution to improving the look of your nipples if you feel they are too large, protrude too much, the shape is irregular, the nipples are asymmetric in appearance or the nipple is inverted. Reshape & Restore understand that the appearance of the body is important to a person’s overall well-being and it is recognised that the man’s chest is often more exposed than a woman’s, especially when going swimming or when on holiday. Undergoing this procedure can help to make you feel more at ease with your appearance and more confident.
Surgery to correct a concern with one or both of your nipples is a safe procedure to undergo and Reshape & Restore’s surgeons are leading consultants with many years experience. Body contouring procedures in general, are becoming more and more popular (especially with men) and Reshape & Restore have helped to improve both the appearance and the well-being of many satisfied patients.
You will be made aware of all potential risks and complications before the procedure takes place. This can include common side effects such as: bruising, discomfort and swelling, as well as less common side effects, such as: bleeding, infection, irregular contouring and loss of sensation. If you have any concerns regarding the safety and / or possible complications of surgery, it is important that you contact one of the team at Reshape & Restore.
The best way to prepare for your upcoming nipple surgery is to gather all the information you can before it takes place. Researching your surgeon will help you to feel you have selected a reputable practitioner and reading any reviews can help to put your mind at ease. Meeting the surgeon at your consultation can help to build a trusting relationship. Ensure you have been given all the relevant details, including: how the procedure is carried out, what risks are possible and the results you can expect, as well as learning how best to care for yourself during the recovery period so that your end result is a success.

Prices From
Plastic surgery procedures are not off the peg but tailor made, bespoke procedures that vary from person to person. The above prices act as a guide in the standard or average case. The actual cost of surgery may be less or more and will be confirmed after your consultation.
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